You may return your purchase for a refund within 30 days of placing your order. All returned items must be in original packaging with drinkware labels and tags attached, unused*, not damaged, and submitted through our Returns Center via the link below. Items returned in any other condition or manner will not be accepted, a refund will not be issued, and it will not be shipped back to you.
To start the return process, please submit your return request. Depending on the reason for the return, we may reach out with additional questions or try to help replace the item before moving forward with the return process. We want to do everything we can to make our customers happy and ensure you receive a product you love!
You must wait until your return is approved before returning your item(s). You are responsible for any return shipping fees.
Once your return has been received at our facility, it will undergo our return inspection. If it passes, your return will be processed & refunded within 7-10 business days, less your original shipping fees.
We are unable to offer exchanges at this time.
*Unused: if the item is returned with liquid in it, beverage stains, or water spots from washing, we will not issue a refund.
1 comment
I purchased the 40 ounce Faboolous pink mug for the month of October for Halloween back on August 16, 2024. I have purchased many many Swig 40 once mugs and they are wonderful. This week I used my mug for the first time for this month of Halloween. The mug is fine looks fine has no damage. However, unlike my other mugs this one is only keeping ice for maybe 3-4 hours unlike my other mugs that keep ice for more than 24 hours. I fill it with ice and water to keep my water intake. I feel like this one may have a defect with the insulation. Unfortunately I didn’t use it right away once I received it because I was waiting for October to arrive. I do not want a refund, however, I would like an even exchange. Again my nice melts within 3-6 hours. The lid is properly sealed and I see nothing visibly wrong with this 40 ounce mug. I hope Swig makes it right as you can see my order history and see how many Swigs I have purchased. Thank you!
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