Below you can find a breakdown of our shipping options and delivery estimates for all Contiguous USA orders. Once you have placed an order, you will receive an email with tracking information as soon as your order has been processed by our team!
Orders processed in 1-2 business days unless stated otherwise. Delivery times for all shipping options are all based on your distance from Virginia.
Service Level | Transit Time | Cost |
Economy Delivery | 3-9 business days | $7.95 (FREE with $75+ order) |
Standard Delivery | 2-5 business days | $12.95 |
UPS Two Day Delivery** | 2 business days | Base Fee of $19.95* |
UPS One Day Delivery** | 1 business day | Base Fee of $31.95* |
* Notice: UPS Two Day and One Day orders are weight-based and calculated at checkout.
** Notice: UPS Two Day and One Day orders must be placed by 12 PM EST to ensure same-day fulfillment. Expedited orders placed after 12 PM EST are not guaranteed to ship same-day and will ship the following business day. UPS Two Day and One Day orders that are placed on Saturday or Sunday will ship on Monday regardless of the time of order as our fulfillment center is closed on the weekends.
*** Notice: UPS Two Day and One Day shipping is not available to military forwarding addresses, Alaska, Hawaii, US territories, and PO Boxes.
**** Notice: Swig Life does not currently offer Saturday Delivery on Two Day and One Day orders. Some examples:
- If you place an order with Two Day shipping at 8 AM on Friday, you will not receive it until Tuesday.
- If you place an order with One Day shipping after 5 PM on Thursday, it will not ship until Friday morning, and you will not receive it until Monday.
Transit Times
Please note all transit times above are provided by UPS and USPS and are not necessarily guaranteed.
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