We have a variety of finish techniques that your Swig can come in! We are always testing out new and upcoming finish styles to make fun and exciting designs.
Dimpled: Our dimpled finish is specific to our Golf Partee and Blacksmith collections. We have a patented dimpled design that feels like a real golf ball in your hands!
Glitter: If the Swig you chose has glitter, then it'll have flecks of glitter featured in certain parts of the design. There is no concern for glitter coming off of the cup.
Glossy: If the design features glossy elements, then its details will have a high-contrast shine and be smooth to the touch.
Glows in the dark: Some of our themed Swigs, such as Halloween styles, feature glow-in-the-dark elements in the design. The design will glow in the dark after being exposed to a light source for 5+ minutes, and then taken into a dimmed room or location immediately after exposure. It will glow brightest when exposed to direct sunlight or the direct bright light of a lamp and will glow in the dark for up to 30 minutes at a time before needing to be exposed to light again.
You can find more about how glow-in-the-dark materials work here: https://science.howstuffworks.com/innovation/science-questions/question388.htm
Metallic: Our metallic designs feature elements that show a lustrous appearance (similar to gold and silver) so they shift from matte to shiny depending on how the light hits the surface of the cup.
Raised: Raised designs feel slightly textured. You can feel the design as you run your fingertips over the surface of the cup. This is different from a Tactile finish in the sense that you can only feel the edges of the design elements, whereas, in a Tactile finish, you can feel every detail and ridge in the design.
Shimmer: Designs that feature a shimmer paint will have smaller flecks of glitter in the whole base paint of the cup, and while shine and sparkle beautifully in the sun!
Tactile: If the design you chose has a tactile finish, then you can feel every detail of the design with your fingertips as you touch the surface of the cup. This is different from a Raised finish in the sense that you can feel every detail and ridge in the design, whereas in a Raised finish you can only feel the edges of the design elements.
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